Owsley Co, Citizens For Fiscal Court Oversight

Fiscal Court Minutes Beginning 2011

Mr. DeBord keeps his promise.

"I will keep the citizens of Owsley County informed of important issues."

As of March 1, 2011 you can see the minutes @


Owsley Co, Citizens Fiscal Court Minutes

January 10, 2011

Booneville Sentinel January 12, 2011

  In the first fiscal of 2011 and the first meeting for newcomers Judge Executive Ronnie DeBord and Roger Reed Magistrate District 2 the meeting was called to order at 6:23pm by Judge DeBord.

  The first order of business was the reading of the December 2010 minutes by County Court Clerk - Sid Gabbard. A motion was made by Roger Reed and seconded by Jesse Bishop, Jr to accept the minutes as read. The motion was carried.

  The second order of business was the treasury report by Barbara Whittaker. A motion was made by Mike Harris and seconded by Roger Reed to accept the treasurers report as read. The motion was carried.

  The third order of business was to officially hire county workers. Judge DeBord recommended the followings; Randall Mays as County Foreman; the position of Assistant Foreman be abolished and Harvey Roberts continue to work as a regular employee, Mike Lynch to be hired as a regular worker, Bruce Herald continue to be employed as the Assistant Commonwealth Attorney for 30 hours per week, Mike Mays be raised from $65 to $85 per month as the court librarian, Jason Jackon was already appointed as the EDM (Emergency Disaster Manager) and Barbara Whittaker be hired the EDM Deputy Director, and to hire Lowell Gale Morris as the Deputy Jailor on a as needed basis. The motion was made by Mike Harris and seconded by Roger Reed. The motion was carried.

  The fourth order of business was to address overtime/comp time. Judge DeBord recommended that the count workers be given the option of overtime or comp time. Roger Reed ask who would keep up with the comp time. Judge DeBord said the Foreman would. Mrs. Whittaker also stated that this time was kept up with through the court. A motion was made by Roger Reed an seconded by Mike Harris to approve this motion. The motion was carried.

  The fifth order of business was to discuss the transportation of workers to nursing home, Judge DeBord had asked County Attorney to check on the liability of this. Henley McIntosh, County Attorney, stated that he had looked into this and that anytime you have a passenger in a county vehicle, you have opened up liability for the county and the driver. A motion by Roger Reed and a seconded by Jesse Bishop, Jr. (Note: I believe the motion was to stop this. Will check and update.) The motion was carried.

  The sixth order of business was the resolution renaming Dean Road. On a motion mad by Jesse Bishop, Jr and seconded by Mike Harris the name of the road will be returned to Sag Hollor. The motion was carried.

  The Seventh order of business was to discuss fiscal court meetings, Judge DeBord made a recommendation to have one fiscal court meeting per month. A motion was made by Mike Harris and seconded by Roger Reed. The motion was carried.

  The eighth order of business was to approve a resolution Ambulance loan, Judge DeBord said that Allen's Ambulance Service had applied for a loan up to $38,000 from the fiscal court. Mr. McIntosh stated that this had been done before with a 100% return. A motion was maid by Roger Reed and seconded by Mike Harris. The motion was carried.

  The ninth order of business was to review the Solid Waste Report. Judge DeBord stated that the county was awarded money the past year but had not spent it and that the amount of $55,000 would have to be returned. A motion was made by Mike Harris and seconded by Roger Reed. The motion was carried.

  The tenth order of business was the Road Foreman Report. A motion was made by Jesse Bishop, Jr. and seconded by Mike Harris to approve as written. this motion was carried.

  The eleventh order of business was the approval of transfers, Judge DeBord stated that the budget was low and he asked the magistrates allow him to cash in a $25,000 CD if necessary. A motion was made by Roger Reed and seconded by Mike Harris to approve the motion. This motion was carried.

  The Twelfth order of business was to approve paying bills. A motion was made by Roger Reed and seconded by Mike Harris to approve paying the bills. This motion was carried.

  The Thirteenth order of business was other business but there was none at this time.

  The fourteenth order of business was open comments. A comment from the floor by George Zambory ask how the public could get the park and ride lot back from all of the Daniel Boone Vehicles.

 Note: The article ended at Vehicles. I assumed they had a motion to Adjourn. Will check on this and update.

Owsley Co, Citizens Fiscal Court Minutes

February 14, 2011

Booneville Sentinel March 2, 2011

  The meeting was called to order at 6:26pm by Ronnie DeBoard, Judge Executive.

  The first order of business was the reading of minutes from the special meeting on January 24, 2011 and January , 2011's regular meeting. On a motion by Mike Harris, seconded by Jesse Bishop the minutes were approved as read.

  The next order of business was a report from Craig Lindon from the Department of Transportation. Mr. Lindon said in compliance with KRS 177.330 of the Rural Secondary road Program he was reporting on the recommendations of district 10 of the allotments available to Owsley County. The first recommendation was KY 577 Sexton's Creek Road beginning at the Jct. Anglin Branch Road 1.292 miles and end at Jct. KY 11 3.459 miles at a cost of $143,920. The second recommendation was on Ky 11 Rd beginning Jct. Neeleys Rd. 0.701 and end at Jct. gum Creek Road 2.974 miles at a cost of $117,477. The third and final recommendation was on KY 1071 Beals Fk.-Person Fk.-Green Hall- Jackson Co. Line Road beginning at Jct. KY 30 0.872 mile and end at 1.150 miles E. Jct Ky 30 2.022 miles at a total cost of $59,847 with the total cost of the projects to be $321,244. A motion was made by mike Harris and seconded by Jesse Bishop, Jr to approve as presented. This Motion was approved.

  The next order of business was an update on the community center by Benny Hamilton from KRADD (Kentucky River Area Development District) Mr. Hamilton stated that before they could proceed any further, an Inspection for the Community Center must be hired with the minimum qualifications being a Licensed Architectural Engineer. He recommended that a request for qualification be advertised for seven days. Mr. Hamilton also said that the fiscal court must promote opportunities for fair housing and gave several examples of how this could be done. Note: On a motion by Mike Harris, Seconded by Roger Reed both recommendation were approved.

    The next order of business was to here a presentation by Sue Brunk about the pain clinic that is currently being run in Owsley County. Mrs. Brunk started her presentation with several handouts to use as discussion points. The first handout was a map of controlled substance usage. The first map showed Owsley County being one five counties as the highest in the state prescribing controlled substances in the forth quarter of the previous years, (from October 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010) The second map showed Owsley being in the top twelve counties with the with the highest Hydrocodone prescription in the last year's fourth quarter. The third map showed Owsley being in the top eleven counties with the highest Oxycodone prescription in the last year's forth quarter. The forth map showed Owsley being in the top seven counties with the highest Methadone prescriptions in last year's fourth quarter and the final map shows Owsley in the top three counties with the highest Diazepam prescriptions in last year's fourth quarter. The fifth map showed Owsley being in the top four counties with the highest Tramadol prescriptions in the last years fourth quarter and the final map shows Owsley in the top three counties with the highest Diazepam prescription in the last yeast's fourth quarter.

  In Mrs. Brunk's presentation, she stated that Owsley was 3rd in the state on all controlled prescriptions per patient address, 2nd in the state in Hydrocodone, 1st in the state for methadone prescriptions, 2nd in the state in Tramadol prescriptions. She also supplied the court with an copy of a ordinance that Knott County had written and, was using.

  At the end of Mrs. Bank's presentation, Henley McIntosh, County Attorney, state that he had made several calls on the laws and implementation of a ordinances. He said that several communities had passed ordinances but they were of poor quality. He also stated that you cannot prohibit a business that is already established in the community, such as the pain clinic that is already in operation. Mr. McIntosh also stated this business had been running for eight months and the attorney for the clinic, Mr. Jason Wilson was on hand and was ready to file motions on violating the owners constitutional rights. Mr. McIntosh stated that the court could write an ordinance limiting pain clinics being established, so if the established one leaves, they could have a ordinance in place that prohibits others from moving in. The fiscal court members asked Mr. McIntosh to contact the attorney general and ask for a written opinion on this matter. A motion by Roger Reed and seconded by Mike Harris was made for Mr. McIntosh to ask for this opinion. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was to make a resolution on the current emergency shelter. This new resolution stated the current stated the current emergency shelter was designed for families that needed shelter for emergency disasters such as flooding, weather, ect. On a motion by Mike Harris seconded by Roger Reed this motion was carried.

  The next order of business was to hire Matthew Oliver as contract laborer to drill part of the road in buffalo to put steel in for a slipping roadway. A motion was maid by Mike Harris, seconded by Jesse Bishop, Jr. to approve this business. The motion was carried.

  The next order of business was to officially hire a county attorney secretary. A motion was maid to hire Misty Oliver as a full time secretary by Ronnie DeBord. A motion was made by Jesse Bishop, Jr. and seconded by Mike Harris to hire Misty Oliver. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was to discuss county employee insurance. A motion was made by Roger Reed and seconded by Jesse Bishop, Jr. to have Mr. DeBord look into securing health insurance for county workers. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was to open bids for work on the senior citizens center. This order was tabled until the special meeting on February 24, 2011 to open bids.

  The next order of business was to insulate and heat a 26 x 32 section of the metal DES Building to use for meetings and training. A motion was made by Roger Reed and seconded by Mike Harris to apply for a grant for this project. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was to lease/purchase trucks. A motion was maid by Roger Reed and seconded by Mike Harris to look into the option of lease/buy trucks and justify the best way for the county. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was the solid waste report given by Lucy Burrow. She stated there were two grants available, one was a tire amnesty grant so tires could be disposed of for free. The other was a household hazard waste grant, to allow citizens to get rid of water based paints; solid drain cleaners, old muric acid, herbicides, ect. A motion was made by Jesse Bishop, Jr. and seconded by Mike Harris to allow Lucy Burrows to inquire and apply for these two grants. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was the road foreman report. This report was supplied to the fiscal court members. A motion by Mike Harris and seconded by Jesse Bishop, Jr. to approve the report, as written. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was to have the second reading of the budget amendment. A motion was made by Mike Harris and seconded by Roger Reed to approve the amendment as read. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was to approve transfers. A list of transfers was given to the fiscal court members at the beginning of the meeting, A motion was made by Jesse Bishop, Jr. and seconded by Mike Harris. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was to approve paying monthly bills. A list of bills was given to the fiscal court members prior at the beginning of the meeting. A motion was made by Roger Reed and seconded by Mike Harris to pay the bills. This motion was carried.

  Other business was the next item on the agenda. A motion was made by Jesse Bishop, Jr. and seconded by Mike Harris to use the bush cutter every day. This motion was carried.

  The next order of business was open comments. Several comments were made about the dispute with the fiscal court and the Hacker Branch owners. During this discussion a motion was made by Roger reed and seconded by Mike Harris to have Henley McIntosh step down as the attorney on this matter, due to family conflicts and let Bruce Herald handle this matter. This motion was carried, with Jesse Bishop, Jr. abstaining.

  The final order of business was to adjourn. A motion was made by Mike Harris and seconded by Jesse Bishop, Jr. to adjourn the meeting at 8:09pm. This motion was carried.